"I was looking around the net looking for free forums for me and my fiancee, and I found this, and I am very happy with it. I get help with it when I need it and there is great support from both admins from FFF and other people that have made forums here.
I've made a private forum at FFF that i use to keep my family and friends updated with our wedding plans and my plans to move over to her (moving from Bergen,Norway to Hawaii). FFF, Keep up the good work, definetly the best one i know."
- FFF Forum Owner -

Home FAQ's ForumForFree Server Information
ForumForFree Server Information
We have servers in three datacentres in the USA. We do not have all servers in one datacentre so that if anything happens to one datacentre our whole network will not be down. We use two datacentres in Texas and one datacentre in Michigan. All datacentres have redundant networks and excellent bandwidth. Our servers are monitored by the datacentre 24 hours a day, they are also monitored by a third party called alertra and we are informed as soon as a server goes offline at any time of day or night via SMS.

The minimum server spec is Pentium 4 2.8 Hyper Threading with 2gig of RAM and the highest server spec is a Dual Xeon 2.8 with Hyper Threading, 4 GIG of RAM and SCSI RAID storage. The servers are server spec hardware and not just desktops with a fast connection.

All backups are done to a second or third hardrive located within the server and then transported securely off site.
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