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> Caucus Petitions
Posted: October 17, 2006 07:23 pm
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Tear-Jerker Supreme... with a Side of compassion

Group: Members
Posts: 2415
Member No.: 1276
Joined: February 23, 2006

In order to form a caucus, you must comply with the following section of the caucus rules:

Section 1. Formation and Survival

A. A Caucus may be created at any time after the Caucus has received at minimum ten (10) signers and has been approved by an ABer. All ten (10) signers must sign into the new caucus within senven (7) days.
B. A Caucus must have a proper name and a set statement of the priorities of the Caucus on top of tem (10) signers.

Start a petition in this forum, and once you have recieved the proper amount of signatures, it is moved to the Administrator in charge of Caucuses. Currently, that is me, Swartz. I will make sure everything is in order, and make sure that you are good to go.
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