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> (HR 1.310) UN Reform Act
Immortal Ace
Posted: Sep 22 2004, 05:16 AM
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House Minority and Republican Party Whip

Group: Members
Posts: 2493
Member No.: 182
Joined: 29-August 04

Rep. David Harper-Pennsylvania, 12th District [R]

Rep. Jordan Smith-Utah, 3rd District [R]
Rep. Kevin M. Heath-Oklahoma, 3rd District [R]
Rep. Louis Laverone-California, 17th District [R]
Rep. Bertram Dalton-California, 3rd District [R]
Rep. Fitzroy J. Montgomery-Georgia, 11th District[I]
Rep. Aldric T. Toyad-Vermont, At-Large [D]
Rep. Jonas Linde-Washington, 4th District [R]
Rep. Ivan Karamazov-New York, 3rd District [I]
Rep. Kurt Garwood - Michigan, 15th District [R]

Short: The US must introduce reforms for the UN.

Committee: The International Relations and Armed Services Committee.

Where as the UN has condemned Israel for rightfully using force to defend itself.

Where as the UN has not condemned terrorist groups or people who support terrorist groups in Israel

Where as Libya (one of the worst human rights abusers in the world) is head of the Human Rights Commission.

Where as Syria (another human rights abuser) is on the Disarmament Commison

Where as the UN has failed to stop genocide in Cambodia, Rwanda, and former Yugoslavia

Where as only a fraction of US taxpayer money fowarded to UN for its many humanitarin missions is used

Where as the UN has profited from programs like the Oil for Food program in Iraq

Where as the UN has failed to enforce numerous security coucil resolutions

Where as the UN has failed to take action to stop the ongoing genocide in Syria

Where as the UN has failed to condemn nations that violate human rights

Section 1: The Congress needs to develop a set of reforms for the UN.

Section 2: The UN shall be audited by several independent organizations which will keep track of where all the money is going.

Section 3: The UN shall kick off and not allow any member organizations to be apart of a commission if they violate human rights or disobey any UN resolutions.

Section 4: Eliminate Rotating membership and allow only countries who do not violate human rights and resolution.

Section 5: Countries who violate human rights and resolution shall have their voting privileges suspended in the UN General Assembly and will not be allowed on the Security Council.

Section 6: Any countries that are found using a UN program for profit will be fined by the UN and shall have their voting privileges revoked and shall not be allowed on the UN Security Council (Includes Permanent members).

Section 7: If a single person is found to be be profiting from a UN program, they will be arrested and sent back to their member country for trial.

Section 8: All countries must comply with Security Council Resolutions (they are no longer optional).

Section 9: The UN is not allowed to condemn Israel just because an IDF raid accidently kills a Palestinian caught in the cross-fire. The UN must also condemn all Palestinian terror groups and people who support them (Yasser Arafat).

Section 10: The UN will work to stop genocide such as the Sudan crisis with immeadiate force in order to stop the genocide.

Section 11 : Should the UN fail to approve of the reforms the US shall withhold all funds to the UN and will not enforce or take part in any UN resolutions until the reforms are addressed.
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