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> Troops Phone Home Free Act, HR 1.483
Tom Sullivan
Posted: Dec 17 2004, 10:10 PM
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Group: Members
Posts: 522
Member No.: 239
Joined: 16-September 04

Mr. CHERRY, for himself, introduces the following bill, with Mr. Marbury, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Garwood, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Dexter, Mr. Lindsay, Mr. Dallas, Mr. JSmith, Mr. Laverone, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. MacGyver, Mr. Troutman, Mr. Cole, Mr. Dalton, Mr. Martin, Mr. Harper, Mr. Powell, Mr. Schulte, and Mr. Portela

To provide a monthly allotment of free telephone calling time to members of the United States armed forces stationed outside the United States who are directly supporting military operations in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Troops Phone Home Free Act'.


It is the purpose of this Act to support the morale of the brave men and women of the United States armed services stationed outside the United States who are directly supporting military operations in Iraq or Afghanistan (as determined by the Secretary of Defense) by giving them the ability to place calls to their loved ones without expense to them.


The Congress finds the following:

(1) The armed services of the United States are the finest in the world.

(2) The members of the armed services are bravely placing their lives in danger to protect the security of the people of the United States and to advance the cause of freedom in Iraq.

(3) Their families and loved ones are making sacrifices at home in support of the members of the armed services abroad.

(4) Telephone contact with family and friends provides significant emotional and psychological support to them and helps to sustain and improve morale.


(a) IN GENERAL- As soon as possible after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall provide prepaid phone cards, or an equivalent telecommunications benefit which includes access to telephone service, to members of the armed forces stationed outside the United States who are directly supporting military operations in Iraq or Afghanistan (as determined by the Secretary) to enable them to make telephone calls to family and friends in the United States without cost to the member.

(b) MONTHLY AMOUNT- The value of the benefit provided by subsection (a) shall not exceed $40 per month per person.

� END OF PROGRAM- The program established by subsection (a) shall terminate on the date that is 60 days after the date on which the Secretary determines that Operation Iraqi Freedom has ended.


(1) USE OF EXISTING RESOURCES- In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall maximize the use of existing Department of Defense telecommunications programs and capabilities, private support organizations, and programs to enhance morale and welfare.

(2) USE OF APPROPRIATED FUNDS- In addition to resources described in paragraph (1) and notwithstanding any limitation on the expenditure or obligation of appropriated amounts, the Secretary may use available funds appropriated to or for the use of the Department of Defense that are not otherwise obligated or expended to carry out this section.


The Secretary of Defense shall work with telecommunications providers to facilitate the deployment of additional telephones for use in calling the United States under this Act as quickly as practicable, consistent with the availability of resources and without compromising the Department's military objectives and mission.
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